Call for Photos - We Need Your Help!

This year for Speak Up for Ohio Museums Day  – October 2, 2017 –  the Ohio Museums Association is once again assembling a photo story to share with our elected officials, colleagues and friends, highlighting the importance of the vibrant and diverse museums that call Ohio home.

We know you probably have a museum that you love, and OMA wants to help you spread the word about your museum’s impact as an essential cornerstone of your community.

Here’s how you can highlight your own institution and help us make a photo story that highlights the depth and breadth of museums all over Ohio!

  • Send us a high resolution photo that you feel demonstrates why your museum matters. You can send photos to [email protected], with the subject line: OMA Photo Story

  • In your email, please include the exact wording you want to use in crediting your institution, along with a brief (140 characters or less) description of how you believe museums impact the community.

  • Deadline to submit photos: September 15, 2017

  • Please note: In submitting your photo, you are giving OMA permission to use in our Speak Up for Ohio Museums Day advocacy, and other efforts. OMA accepts your photos in the good faith that all persons in the photo have released permission to use their image as well.

We look forward to helping share the impact of your museum through this project! For questions or for more information, please contact OMA at [email protected].

Click here to view the 2016 Photo Story

(Don’t forget! Deadline to submit your photos is September 15, 2017!)

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A contribution to the Ohio Museums Association will help us continue to provide important programs and services to Ohio’s Museums.